Daily Archives: 27/05/2019

The Anti-Catholic Religion of the Second Vatican Council: A Book Review of “Vatican II Exposed”

Move over, Taylor Marshall…

The Anti-Catholic Religion of the Second Vatican Council:

A Book Review of
Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism

On Mar. 6 of this year, we posted an announcement about a brand-new book exposing the history and heresies of the Novus Ordo religion, its false popes, and its other pivotal players. The work is an 809-page tome called Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism and was written by Fathers Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI:

People interested in buying a copy may do so directly from the authors, at this link (Novus Ordo Watch does not make a commission on the sales). Despite initial plans, it is unlikely that Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism will be available through Amazon.com soon, except perhaps in electronic format.

Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism is a mammoth work of sturdy quality!

We are excited to be able to offer now a sizable review of this book, contributed by a reader of this blog who wishes to remain anonymous. The book reviewer presents a mostly-descriptive Overview (Part 1) followed by a Critical Analysis and Conclusion (Part 2) from the perspective of a simple layman who holds no formal qualifications in theology, history, nor journalism. The opinions expressed in the review are those of the reviewer and not necessarily those of Novus Ordo Watch.

Book Review: Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism
by Fr. Francisco Radecki, CMRI and Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI.
Copyright 2019, St. Joseph’s Media


PART 1: Overview
The first thing that struck me was the size of this book. It is a huge tome, with 757 pages of text, or 809 pages counting the Bibliography. Each page measures approximately 8 and a half inches by 11 inches. The font used is average in size, and the line spacing is generous which makes this book easy to read, insofar as visual comfort. It is a very beautifully presented hardback with dustjacket. The dustjacket is of matching design to the cover itself, but unlike many books, it isn’t hiding, nor making up for, a plain nor inferior cover underneath. The artwork is truly commendable, being both clever in symbolism and elegant in appearance. Very few book covers are so striking for their aesthetically-pleasing quality; implementing a very tasteful color scheme, including metallic red and metallic silver accents, with embossed three-dimensional imagery and text.

Upon opening the book, in the Introduction, we are told:

Why This Book was Written
Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism doesn’t merely tell what occurred at Vatican II, but the who, when, where, why and how. Masterminds, guided by Satan, prepared the way for the creation of the Modern, Counterfeit Church.

The task undertaken by the authors must have been daunting given the quantity and nature of material that they chose to try to somehow sort through. The list of references is probably of the broadest spectrum I have ever come across in one book; the authors certainly cannot be accused of overly-selective resourcing of opinions, viewpoints or accounts. The claims of people from all walks of life, so to speak, have been presented in this volume, ranging from the most authoritative sources such as popes via papal encyclicals, followed by reliable contemporary clergy who are renowned for their theological rectitude, such as Bp. Donald Sanborn (Catholic Restoration), Fr. Noel Barbara, Fr. Anthony Cekada and Fr. Francesco Ricossa (whose articles published in the esteemed priestly periodical, Sacerdotium, made the latter well known to the English-speaking traditional Catholic milieu), right through to such unexpected sources as websites including wikipedia.com, washingtonpost.com, businessinsider.com, strangehistory.net and psywarrior.com. Even the enigmatic Malachi Martin was given a hearing and is quoted at least twice. No one can dare point the finger of “discrimination.”

In view of website articles comprising a substantial portion of the Bibliography (can it still technically be called a “Bibliography” if the reference list includes mostly non-books?), this book obviously doesn’t purport to be a weighty scholarly work — nor do the authors make any such claim. Refraining from pretentious language and extensive theology, they instead use everyday parlance presented in a style that would be comfortable to the average modern mind. Hence, people who get daunted by heavy theological treatises shouldn’t be frightened by the substantial physical size of this book because the approach is very casual overall; and the mode is even conversational in many parts. Consequently, if you aren’t a canon lawyer, nor inclined to pick up the Summa Theologica for your bedtime reading, fear not, because this is nothing like hard-core scholasticism. It seems to be aimed at the common layman who isn’t accustomed to intense academia, nor to rigid and laborious study. Rather, the reader will find within these pages a collection of stories of deception, intrigue, suspicions and allegations of murder, extensive Freemasonic plotting and scheming, shocking examples of disgusting immorality of Modernists even as far back as before the Second Vatican Council – and worst of all, the unspeakable tragedy of the widespread loss of Faith of countless clergy, of all ranks, even up to the highest positions in the Church, which led to the unprecedented catastrophe of the near-universal loss of Faith, which renders the 20th century not only the allegedly “bloodiest of centuries” but surely the most reprehensible.

As part of an attempt to organize what would seem to many people an overwhelming amount of information, numerous lists and tables were formulated, including, but not limited to, those with the following titles:

  • European Modernist Training Centers
  • French Modernists
  • German Modernists
  • American Modernists who Attended Vatican II
  • Belgian Modernists who Attended Vatican II
  • Dutch Modernists who Attended Vatican II
  • Italian Modernists who Attended Vatican II
  • Modernists from Formerly Communist Countries who Attended Vatican II
  • Commissions Controlled by Modernist Cardinals
  • Various Addresses of Pope Pius XII
  • John XXIII’s Meetings with Representatives of Other Religions
  • Members of the International Theological Commission

A large portion of the book is devoted to the documents of Vatican II. Though this is contained in only five chapters out of 31, viz. Chapters 18 through 22, it spans pages 283 through 514. Each of the six recent antipopes, from Roncalli/John XXIII through Bergoglio/Francis, has a chapter devoted specifically to him, as does Pope Pius XII, and there are chapters discussing the Novus Ordo invalid Mass and invalid sacraments, as well as the valid Tridentine Mass.

When reading some of the tales of the characters in the events surrounding the whole disaster of Vatican II and its aftermath, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” came to mind; not the movie itself, which I’ve never seen and therefore wouldn’t be recommending, but merely the title. Sadly, “the good” are pitifully few in number (there are only 18 people in the list presented on page 127 of “Cardinals and Bishops who Opposed Modernism”), and these few are overwhelmingly outnumbered by “the bad” who are also “the ugly” due to their ugly beliefs and actions of which they seemingly remained unrepentant (there are about 193 people listed in the tables of Modernists from various nations, presented on pages 54 through 126).

PART 2: Critical Analysis and Conclusion

Some Notable Pros

  1. The extensive lists of the names of Modernists (“the bad” and “the ugly”) who were actively attacking the Church around the time of Vatican II, could prove useful to refer to, or commit to memory if nearly 200 names is within one’s memorizing capacity, when reading any material of a religious nature published between the late 1800s through to the 1960s. Unfortunately, even writings bearing an Imprimatur carry no guarantee of orthodoxy nor harmlessness, especially in view of the insidious and deceptive manner in which Modernists operate. Hence, for example, if one has a book with an Imprimatur from, say, 1950, that is written by, or even based on ideas held by, any of these Modernists, one would know to beware.
  2. In Chapter 24, “Preparing the Ground for the New Mass”, enough information is presented for the reader to conclude that the Novus Ordo Missae didn’t just get dropped suddenly like a bomb. Rather, the principle of gradualism, combined with tenacious cunning, was employed by conspiring Modernists to desacralize the liturgy, introducing heretical and dangerous elements as far back as the 1920s; and even earlier trial balloons occurred in a localized manner.
  3. The untrustworthiness of Modernists and their modus operandi of cleverly crafted deception techniques, combined with bully tactics when needed, is really rammed home throughout this book. We are alerted to always be wary because in spite of artful phraseology in attempts to disguise what they really mean, everything they say should be presumed to be intended to work toward their evil agendas.
  4. The information presented in the chapters specifically about the Second Vatican Council, taken as a whole, is sufficient for the reader to conclude that the main characters involved and their Modernist errors (“the bad” and “the ugly” again) formally brought into existence an entirely different religion to the Catholic Faith. Moreover, this undoubtedly was their intention, as evident from their own words.

Some Caveats

  1. The initial outlines of Freemasonry and Modernism seem a bit hazy. If the reader had no prior knowledge of the nature and history of them, the background provided in this book, alone, wouldn’t provide a sufficiently thorough foundation, nor a very clear understanding, which would be required for properly grasping the full import of what is presented afterwards about the activities of the Freemasons and Modernists in the Church, State and society in general. Before handing this book to anyone new to Sedevacantism, it would be advisable to have them study some encyclicals on these subjects, such as Pascendi Dominici Gregis and Humanum Genus and books such as Fr Denis Fahey’s The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism to provide a more solid base. Near the end of the book, the authors do recommend and reference Pascendi Dominici Gregis, but reading that encyclical prior to starting this book would probably be beneficial for everyone.
  2. The overview provided regarding the Bugnini Holy Week liturgical changes of 1955, mostly on pages 169-171, sufficiently explains the viewpoint of those clergy who hold the opinion that it is fine to keep using those changes. However, the position held by sedevacantist clergy who reject the use of this interim liturgical form was presented in a way that would likely lead the reader to an inaccurate apprehension of the issue. It seems that the authors mustn’t have come across the number of articles available on traditionalmass.org explaining their rationale. Reading those articles (and for those who like videos, viewing Fr. Anthony Cekada’s recently released presentation on this topic) should suffice to dispel any false notions. It should be noted that the authors clearly respect Fr. Cekada’s scholarship, as attested to by his booklet, “Sedevacantism, A Quick Primer” being quoted at length on p. 236 – in addition to two books and one article by the same author also being referenced in a favorable light.
  3. Numerous Modernists are exposed by name, yet when they are quoted it sometimes seems that their words are to be taken as being in some way credible, despite what is made clear about Modernists as mentioned in Pro #3 (above). Most of the time what the Modernists are quoted to have said or done is obviously included in the book to demonstrate their devious scheming and heretical beliefs; however, there are places where the reader could get the impression that their words are being used as a verification. As an example, in line with the topic of Caveat #2 (above): a Fr. Antonelli is quoted on p. 169 as criticizing the pre-1955 Holy Week liturgy (an entire paragraph of his is presented on that page) and the authors distill his quote as remarking “how the phrases ‘splendor of the night,’ ‘blessed night’ and ‘holy night’ are inappropriate when ceremonies are performed on Holy Saturday morning.” Yet, on p. 557, Fr. Antonelli (who is definitely the same person as the previously quoted Fr. Antonelli, as evident from this book which refers to the same source) is manifested as a clearly questionable source – whose opinion should be presumed to be in support of the Modernist agenda – by the following statement: “Fr. Fernando [sic] Antonelli, who revered the writings of Beauduin and Casel, was a close friend of Botte, Jungmann and Martimort.” Similarly, Abp. Bugnini is listed on p. 108 as a “Freemason” who “Helped Write the New Mass” and is exposed in great detail throughout the book for the scheming Modernist that he was, including on p. 109: “As chief architect of the New Mass, Bugnini worked with liturgical committees before, during and after Vatican II. If he ran into opposition, Bugnini would merely say, ‘The pope wills it,’ and continue.” On p. 557, it states, “Bugnini, the driving force behind liturgical change, boldly declared, ‘I am the liturgical reform!’ His methods were so chaotic and hurried that Paul VI told him to slow down. When one considers the incompetent men who formed the New Mass and New Sacraments, it is no wonder they turned out so poorly.” All this justifiable criticism of Bugnini and his liturgical havoc seems inconsistent with the overall sense of praise given by the authors for his 1955 liturgy. Another example of how possible confusion could result from what might seem a mixed message, is the Dialogue Mass. It is presented in a way that one could think there are no problems associated with it, viz., in the chapter describing the Tridentine Mass vs. the New Mass, in a section titled, “Active Participation in the Liturgy”, it states: “The Faithful are encouraged to join the choir in singing the various parts of the Mass or hymns during a Sung Mass (Missa Cantata) or to answer Latin responses of the priest during the Dialogue Mass.” Some readers may not be aware that the majority of scholarly works since Vatican II which substantially address the Dialogue Mass have used it as a stepping-stone to the Novus Ordo Missae, encouraged by Modernists. This led to the concept of the inability to offer Mass when there is no congregation present, which then led to the Novus Ordo concelebration nonsense; so one can certainly question its prudence.
  4. On page 201, it states that “Holy Scripture foretold that before the coming of Antichrist, the protective power of the papacy would be eliminated” and St Paul, 2 Thessalonians 2:7, is quoted as referring to this, as follows: “St Paul wrote: For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; provided only that he [the pope] who is at present restraining it, does still restrain, until he is gotten out of the way.” Some readers might presume that the phrase “the pope” inserted in square brackets is referring to an explicit mention of “the pope” occurring in the surrounding text of Scripture, thus indicating that that meaning of the pronoun “he” is self-evident. However, that is not the case, so the distinction between that being merely an opinion and not fact, must be made. Scriptural exegetes are divided as to what that passage might mean which reminded me of a section in Rev. E. Sylvester Berry’s book, The Apocalypse of St. John, where he similarly propounds such a possibility, on pages 121-122. Whereas the 1940s’ Dominican Fr. H. M. Feret in his book on the same subject presents a completely different approach, founded on doctrine and history, being devoid of speculations.
  5. Towards the end of the book, the authors state: “Hopefully, this book will inspire readers who have never attended the Tridentine Latin Mass to see what they have been missing”, followed by directing readers to the CMRI website to access a list of where some such Masses are being offered in the United States. However (unless I overlooked a statement to the contrary), after leading the reader to the conclusion that the Novus Ordo Counterfeit Church is not Catholic, one might be led to be content with assisting at FSSP (Fraternity of St. Peter) or SSPX (Society of St. Pius X) Masses, since they are “valid” Tridentine Masses (assuming the priest is validly ordained, which is a big “if”) because the illicit nature of assisting at such Masses isn’t expressly condemned. Nor could I find an explicit warning for the need to strictly avoid these organizations, entirely, due to their heterodoxy and deviations from orthopraxy. Reading this book will do little good if from it people end up with the SSPX as “crypto-sedevacantists” who assist at the Holy Sacrifice offered in union with heretics. Therefore, one must take very seriously the full ramifications, and practical consequences, implicit in their words: “It is important to realize there is much more at stake than just Mass being offered in Latin. The very foundation of the Church was attacked at Vatican II. This is the time to defend God’s Church, not the time to find excuses to remain in a man-made Church”, and “After reading this book, it is evident that a choice must be made, to either remain faithful to Christ and His Church, or belong to the Counterfeit Church. There is no room for neutrality.” Thus, to make it clear: Organizations of the likes of the FSSP and SSPX, regardless of whatever personal piety and good will the people in them may have, represent precisely this condemnable “neutrality” and constitute part of this antichrist “man-made Church.”

Some Additional Notes about the Bibliography

  1. Although the format of the referencing doesn’t apparently follow a consistent nor standardized system, the reader should be able to work around this with a little bit of resourcefulness.
  2. The Wikipedia website features as the most abundant source, followed by Catholic-hierarchy.org.
  3. Youtube.com video presentations and TV documentaries are included.
  4. Sometimes the timestamp is included for when a website was accessed and a reference was downloaded. Because of this it can be ascertained that the work of gathering information for this book goes back to at least 2012.
  5. Mainstream sources as well as those that might be considered “conspiratorial” or “dubious” (albeit the latter are often more trustworthy than the former) are included. Examples from the former category include rollingstone.com, “Rebel Pope” – National Geographic documentary, theguardian.com, nytimes.com, History Channel, CNN.com, bbc.com. Examples from the latter category include, beforeitsnews.com, 2nddegreemasons.org, Chiesa Viva, crisismagazine.com, lifesitenews.com, eyeofthetiber.com, satanic-kindred.org and thedailybeast.com.
  6. Religious and historical sources both orthodox and heterodox are referenced. Examples of the former include Haydock/Douay Rheims Bible, St. Robert Bellarmine, Dom Prosper Guéranger, Baltimore Catechism, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Msgr. Philip Hughes and G. K. Chesterton. Examples of the latter include EWTN, Teilhard de Chardin, Yves Congar, Masonic Book Club, “Cardinal” Walter Kasper and Hans Kung.
  7. Winning entry for irony is “Bringing the Sacraments to the People” from the National Catholic Welfare Conference, Inc, 1966, being right before the sanctioned attempts to annihilate the possibility of bringing sacraments to any people, by the imposition of invalid sacraments.
  8. Winning entry for most nauseating is Peggy Noonan’s book entitled, “John Paul II the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father.” And no need for the ipecacuanha if one has a copy handy of, “Pope Benedict in America; the Full Texts of Papal Talks Given during His Apostolic Visit to the United States,” 2008 – no need to even open the book either; the title, alone, will surely do the job.
  9. Winning entry for what best exemplifies the era of the millennials is the presence of a pinterest.com reference.
  10. Winning entry for “You can’t make this stuff up!” is Catholic World Report article titled, “Pope’s former professor: Francis never supported a Marxist-based liberation theology.”
  11. Modernist gobbledygook award (despite ample competition by virtue of the inherent quality of Modernist talk) goes to Jennifer Cooper’s “Humanity in the Mystery of God: the Theological Anthropology of Edward Schillebeeckx” (due to entries being limited to one category, this one missed out on the “most emetic award”). Runner-up is “Cornerstones of Faith: Reconciliation, Eucharist and Stewardship” by “Cardinal” Thomas Collins, 2013.
  12. The winner of the shortest book in the world, sight unseen (provided the contents are true to the title, it presumably has no pages in it at all): “The Legacy of Pope John Paul II: His Contribution to Catholic Thought,” 2000.

Once the restoration of the Church has taken place, future generations will likely access the written record to ascertain the many different ways that Catholics in our times assessed and addressed this monumentally horrendous situation; and this book will form part of that written record, which will show the melange of the human reactions to this frightful and awful period of history. It will exist alongside books which present similar subject matter, such as Iota UnumThe Rhine Flows into the TiberPeter Lovest Thou Me? and The Great Sacrilege, yet which, unlike Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism, fail to point out that the sedevacantist conclusion is the only logical and true position, with its concomitant responsibility to categorically reject the Novus Ordo Church and its various offshoots in their entirety.

A view of the book with the dust jacket taken off

Again, Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism may be purchased directly from the authors here (quantity discounts available).


in Novus Ordo Wire     0

Ending Cognitive Dissonance: Recognize-and-Resist Blogger becomes Sedevacantist

Deo gratias!

Ending Cognitive Dissonance:
Another Recognize-and-Resist Blogger becomes Sedevacantist

Cognitive dissonance can be defined as “the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values” (Wikipedia).

On July 10, 2016, we posted the article “The Trouble with Jorge: Semi-Trads at the Breaking Point”. After providing some papal quotes on the traditional Catholic doctrine on the Magisterium and the Papacy, we observed: “The cognitive dissonance involved in perhaps professing these truths externally — as the semi-trads might very well do — while at the same time thinking, acting, and speaking in contrary fashion is beginning to push people over the edge.”

In April of the following year, we published the essay “Anything but Sedevacantism! Analysis of a curious Phenomenon”. There, too, we spoke about the same subject: “We have seen that the Papacy has consequences. So does a denial of the Papacy. The cognitive dissonance of a ‘practical sedevacantism’ [proposed by Steve Skojec] will be coming home to roost.”

And finally, we again brought up the issue in the July 25, 2017 post “The Stumbling Block of the Papacy: Why Bergoglio doesn’t fit”.

We were all the more hopeful, therefore, when we noticed a new post on a recognize-and-resist blog the other day that was entitled, “Ending Cognitive Dissonance”, written by one Jonathan Byrd. The site’s name is Traditional Catholic Priest.

And indeed, we were not disappointed. The blogger in question (shown on the left) is a layman “with a wife, 10 kids, 4 cats and a dog”, as his profile says. He had already been convinced that Francis was a false pope, but he thought Benedict XVI was the true Pope instead. In other words, he held the position we have dubbed “Resignationism”, due to doubts about the validity of the resignation of Benedict XVI in 2013.

Byrd wrote his post to outline the evidence — the data and the reasoning — that have led him to understand that the only way to be a true traditional Catholic — one who actually believeswhat the Church traditionally taught, especially about the Papacy — is to dump Francis and the entire Vatican II religion. In other words, he has taken the difficult but necessary step to becoming what is typically called a sedevacantist. Mr. Byrd, congratulations!

We would like to encourage all to read his post in full. What follows below are some of the highlights (bold print and italics in original):

These reasons are all objective – all based on the teachings of the church, the doctors of the church the popes, etc. In short, all identify exactly what Francis is without the need or worry about what Benedict “meant” when he “resigned”.

We can know from the above a few things that have held constant:

Christ will always be with His Church

The Church is a teaching Church

The Pope has the power to loose and bind and that he who hears Peter hears Christ.

This is what the Church has always held from the very beginning.

Our souls were so important to Christ He offered up His life for us in the most brutal way imaginable so do you really think a God made Man who suffered this much for our salvation wasn’t going to make the Faith and consequently our Salvation objectively easy to comprehend?

The spotless bride of Christ – Our holy Mother – The Church hasn’t left us without recourse.  Our Father was well aware of the situation all Catholics would be in today so He provided, through the Church, the solutions to end our cognitive dissonance.

The way forward – the way to Truth – is to look back. We look back to what the Church has taught.

We don’t bring our intellectual criticism – our thoughts, our opinions, our blogs, our blog followers, our livelihood, our comforts, our friends, our “mother and brethren” into this equation.

We can know The Truth and as a Catholic, we have a duty to seek it out at all cost as it is the Pearl of Great price and then give our assent to that Truth no matter what the cost is to us.

Our Holy religion teaches us that our Holy Mother the Church is the pure spotless bride of Christ.  This church can only give us Bread – she can’t give us stones. She can be trusted in all matters because Christ promised “he who hears you hears ME.”

We look around at what we see around us occurring in the world and in what we know as the church and all we see is heresy – stones being fed to us – someone – something – that can’t be trusted if you want to keep the faith.

I recently had a conversation with a priest friend of mine and I asked him about teaching what the church currently teaches and he told me “if I did that I would go to hell.

This about sums up the current state of affairs in the church and at the same time provides the cognitive dissonance that we all feel.

The problem with the above is it directly contradicts what the church has always taught about the Magisterium of the Church, the honor, respect and obedience we owe to Her and to the Pope, and it doesn’t square at all with the Church Fathers, Doctors and Theologians.

Because of this apparent contradiction we have tried to explain why this could be the case. The problem is, while trying to explain this away – we have done harm to the Faith.

How so?

We did the very things that the modernist have done – namely- we have twisted words to suit new meanings.  

We want to cling to this idea that all is well when we know full well it isn’t.  This dissonance has spawn so many theories, arguments, and innumerable bloggers making a living off of trying to explain this dissonance.  The problem is this hasn’t helped.

If this was the answer we would have figured it out sometime before the last 60 years. Instead of spending all of this energy trying to understand how a heretic calling himself pope francis could be the pope – we failed to be Catholic.

In fact, we have lost what it means to be Catholic by explaining away the faith to justify how people like Francis can all themselves Catholic. Think about this for a moment.

I can go on and on showing the changes but we are all aware of them. They have been talked about ad nauseam for the last 60 years yet no one seems any closer to the answer.

But maybe, just maybe, they do know the answer and that answer shakes them to the core of their being.

That answer is what keeps them up at night because they know if they ever truly accept it – it would mean being an outcast.

They know they would have to come outside the camp, take up their cross and proceed to the inevitable crucifixion and that would cost them too much……

I converted nearly 10 years ago and I was firmly in the Recognize and Resist camp from the very beginning.

Coming from my protestant background – that never sat well with me. I just left “Protesting the Church” to join a church so I could continue protesting….

That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Its extremely illogical and extremely NOT Catholic.

One thing that we have to always keep at the forefront of our mind is that we can’t twist facts to make it come to the conclusion we want.  We simply have to state the facts and see where it leadsand this is what is going to be outlined below.

The person that is the Pope must first be Catholic and if he isn’t Catholic then he isn’t the pope.  1+1=2…ain’t that hard to understand.

The Conclusion is very simple

If you accept Francis is the pope then you must acceptcommunion for adulterers, you must accept allowing communion for protestants, you must accept LGBT novelties, you must accept the novus ordo mass, the new rites, the “cult of man”, Ecumenism, that the Roman Catholic Church is just one of many that lead to heaven, That error has rights, and all of the other profanations you see around you because it is from the pope and the magisterium and Vatican II……

If the above is abhorrent to you…

If you would rather die a thousand deaths than to give your consent to such abdominal practices…

Then welcome to Sedevacantism….

Welcome indeed! Again, the full post is really worth reading and can be found here:

It is wonderful to see that another soul has allowed God’s grace to prevail, despite the tireless efforts of our opponents to fight Sedevacantism tooth and nail.

Rejoice, fellow-sedevacantists, for another good man has seen the light and followed it wheresoever it led, no matter the consequences! Let us “make merry and be glad, for this [our] brother was dead and is come to life again; he was lost, and is found” (Lk 15:32)! Pray for Jonathan Byrd and his family, that they will persevere to the end, and that there may be many more like them.

Our Lady, Queen of the Rosary, pray for us.

A Reader Asks: “Are Newchurch ‘Lay Deacons’ Kosher? Or Are They Just Another By-product of the Fake New Order?”

From: Neil

Lay Deacon at Mess

A Lay Deacon (Left) Joins a Novus Ordo Presbyter
At a Phony Novus Ordo Mess, Which Is Not a Mass
At the Novus Ordo Dinner Table, Which Is Not an Altar
The Vatican II Anti-council Concocted a New Order
Of Married “Lay Deacons” Not Dedicated the Clerical Ministry
Since the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968
Newchurch No Longer Ordains Deacons, Priests, or Bishops
Under the Sacrament of Holy Orders
But Merely “Installs” (Like the Protestants) Invalid (Fake)
Lay Deacons, Presbyters, and Newbishops
Who Have No Sacramental Power

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

The Newchurch diocese here is about to ordain fourteen new “deacons.” These are married, or lay, “deacons”; thus, these deacons’ “vocation” was not dedicated to the clerical ministry. Are these Newchurch deacons kosher? It seems again that Newchurch is certainly not Catholic, but Protestant — if Christian at all!

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

In 1967, as a result of the Vatican II Anti-council’s replacing Catholic Church with a Newchurch, a new order was created: “lay deacons.” In 1968 a Protestantized New Ordinal was adopted, which no longer ordains deacons, priests, or bishops under the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely “installs” (like the Protestants) invalid (fake) lay deacons, presbyters, and Newbishops.

Therefore, Newchurch has since 1968 not validly ordained anyone to the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and Newchurch clergy are totally invalid, with its presbyters and Newbishops lacking any power whatever to confect the Holy Eucharist and to forgive sins. These “lay deacons” of whom you wrote are not in Holy Orders, but pretend to be some kind of assistant presbyters. The presbyters are invalid (fake) too!

Francis-Bergoglio Is Now Accelerating the Number of Auxiliary Newbishops In Order to Pack the College of Newbishops for the Indefinite Future

From: Petrus, the TRADITIO Network’s Roman Correspondent

Newchurch Bishops

There Are Now Twice as Many Newbishops, over 5,000
Than Sat at the Vatican II Anti-council in 1962-1965
Francis-Bergoglio Is Packing the College of Newbishops
With His Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Appointees
So His Successor Couldn’t Do Anything
To Raise Newchurch out of Heresy and Immorality —
Even if He Wanted To!

Francis-Bergoglio is now accelerating his appointment of auxiliary bishops in order to pack the College of Newbishops. In the last fifty days he has appointed or installed nineteen of them. That’s almost one every other day! He is filling Newchurch with colonels as the number of his corporals (his presbyters) continues to decline precipitously. It’s all chiefs and no Indians in the new, new top-heavy Newchurch. Such action is a classic sign of decline and fall in organizations.

Francis-Bergoglio does not just add auxiliaries where one might expect to find them under the last three Newpopes. He has appointed them to Bilbao, Spain; Elblag, Poland; El Alto, Bolivia; Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany; Montpelier, France; San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina; Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany; Riga, Lativa (a country having few Newchurchers to begin with); Lingayen-Dagupan, Philippines; Cartagena, Spain; Port Harcourt, Nigeria; and Cuenca, Ecuador.

Anybody can be a Newbishop in Francis-Bergoglio’s corrupt Newchurch. Why be a presbyter when you can be a Newbishop? As auxiliary bishops need to be maintained in order to support their “dignity,” there is pressure to promote auxiliaries to the office of Newdiocesan bishop. Hence Bergoglio is really appointing auxiliaries as a means of controlling the Newchurch hierarchy of the future. He is trying to rule the future of Newchurch to ensure that it continues in its pagan direction. Moreover, should even a Neocon Newchurcher be elected Newpope, he will soon discover that all of his regional managers just happen to be pagan Bergoglians, as a result of which he will not be able to make effective his conservative Protestant, but not traditional Catholic, commands.

Pope St. Pius V would allow auxiliaries only for cardinals and major archbishops where they had been well established. Most countries had none until recently, and even countries like France had them only in three or four major sees. Now every Presbyter Tom, Dick and Harry is a Newbishop Tom, Dick, and Harry!

In the Latest Scandal a Newchurch Bishop Is Accused of the Triple Crimes Of Embezzlement, Extortion, and Paedophile Assault

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio & Vilson Dias de Olivera

The Second Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio
Meets with Newbishop Vilson Dias de Olivera, of Limeira, Brazil
Who Committed the Triple Crimes of Embezzlement, Extortion
And Paedophile Assault
Olivera Embezzled a Quarter of a Million U.S. Dollars
To Buy Personal Properties for Himself and to Improve Them
With Money that Was Extorted from Presbyters
At the Same Time He Was Sexually Assaulting “Altar Boys”
While Francis-Bergoglio Stood by Mute and Exacted No Penalty

There is no moral cesspool into which Newchurch’s bishops are not falling. From the beginning there were the abominable paedophile crimes and, as the TRADITIO Network has consistently pointed out, the paired crime of embezzlement of Newchurch funds from the Newchurchers. But Newbishop Vilson Dias de Olivera, of Limeira, Brazil, has committed a triple crime by adding extortion. When his crimes were investigated by local police, he decided to fess up and abdicate on May 17, 2019.

Police stated that Olivera stole 975 U.S. dollars from a local Newparish to make improvements to his personal beach house. Although Olivera claims that he is poor, in the past four years he has purchased two properties worth more than 243,000 dollars. He is being charged with extortion in forcing presbyters to cough up Newchurch money to buy personal properties for himself. He also has covered up sex crimes by one of his presbyters and himself stands accused of sexually assaulting “altar boys.” [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

True Catholics, in this case too, Francis-Bergoglio just stands mute, passively accepting the abdication of his Newbishop. No penalty, no chastisement, no action to prevent a recurrence. Bergoglio is incompetent or, more likely, at this point, just doesn’t care. He’s no worse than the Newchurchers themselves, who remain mute while their Newpope and Newbishops and presbyters are robbing them blind. No wonder all the statistics show that Newchurch is sinking fast into the mire of oblivion.

Italian Deputy Premier Commends His Country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Francis-Bergoglio and Newvatican Condemn the Action

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Matteo Salvini

Italian Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini
Commended His Country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
While Tens of Thousands in Front of Milan’s Duomo Cathedral Cheered
Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
And His Newchurch Leaders Condemned the Action
Salvini Doesn’t Agree with Bergoglio
That Terrorist Infidel “Immigrants” Should Get Free Admission
Into European Countries to Rape and Murder
The Vast Majority of European Countries Now Agree with Salvini
And Boo Bergoglio’s Marxist Policy

When Italian Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini commended his country, his citizens, and himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a Catholic pope would applaud the action. Instead Francis-Bergoglio and his anti-Catholic Newvatican condemned the Deputy Premier’s action. You see, Bergoglio and his Newchurch hate Salvini because he doesn’t buy into Bergoglio’s Marxist political policy that terrorist “immigrants” should be welcomed in Italy and the rest of Europe. Although a few European countries went along with Bergoglio at the beginning, most have now backed out because the influx of illegal terrorist-immigrants has led to Muslim rapes and murders of European citizens. Italy is one of those countries that has not bought into Francis-Bergoglio’s immoral policy.

The Deputy Minister, when he commended Italy to the Blessed Virgin on May 19, 2019, kissed a Rosary that he held, as tens of thousands of Italians in the Piazza del Duomo in Milan cheered. Salvini also appealed to the patron saints of Europe: Sts. Benedict of Norcia, Brigid of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Cyril and Methodius. Salvini said: “I entrust Italy, my life, and your lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who I’m sure will bring us to victory.” When Bergoglio’s name was mentioned, the crowd booed for the Marxist/Modernist Third Paedophile Newpope.

Francis-Bergoglio sent out his henchmen to denounce Salvini’s action in commending his country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Newjesuit editor Antonio Spadaro, a close confidant of Bergoglio was among them. Spadaro is notorious among true Catholics for opposing an Italian law mandating that crucifixes be placed in all Italian public buildings. Even Newvatican’s Secretary of State and the President of the European Bishops’ Conference added their rebuke. To the contrary, a Newchurch theologian from the Catholic [Sic] University of America had to admit: “There is nothing wrong with rosaries in politics. We need whole nations consecrated to Our Lady.” [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]

True Catholics, the teaching of the true Catholic Church is: De Maria nunquam satis. Those like Francis-Bergoglio and his Modernist Newchurchers place themselves outside the Catholic Faith on this as on so many other teachings. It is Bergoglio himself who should be publicly calling upon the Blessed Virgin Mary to convert him and his Modernist minions back to the Catholic Faith from their heresies. Without her, they are powerless to clean themselves of the stench of the New Order in which they surround themselves.

Newchurch’s First Act Approved Atheist/Pagan Cremation Now Washington State Has Legalized “Human Composing” of the Dead

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Human Compost

In Accordance with the Anti-Catholic Practice of Cremation
Which Was Approved by the First Newpope, Paul VI-Montini
Just Two Weeks after His Accession to the Newpapacy
Washington State Has Taken the Next Step
And Approved “Human Composting” by Mixing the Body
With Wood Chips, Straw, and Dirt
So All Indications that the Person Was Ever a Temple of God Are Obliterated
As Its First Act, Newchurch Spurned the Practice of Our Lord
And Catholic Moral Theology by Joining the Atheists, Freemasons, and Pagans

Even many traditional Catholics are unaware that the first act of Newpope Paul VI-Montini implementing the pagan Newchurch of the New Order was the rejection of Catholic morality and the acceptance of the pagan practice of burning to a crisp the human body, which St. Paul called “the temple of the Holy Ghost” (1 Corinthians 6:19). Montini became Newpope on June 21, 1963. Just two weeks later, on July 5, 1963, he had approved the Instruction De crematione cadaverum, [On the Cremation of Cadavers] permitting the atheistic and pagan practice of cremation and citing as authority for this contumacious practice that fact that the pagan Hindus abhorred burial. Widespread abortion was soon to follow.

Now Washington State has taken the next step in the desecration of the human body by permitting the composing of human bodies — at the behest of “green” Leftists, among whom is numbered the current Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. Already Newchurch has turned its funerals into a pagan “white” apotheosis of ashen remains. On May 21, 2019, the Washington governor signed the bill permitting human composting, which is euphemistically called “organic reduction.”

The body is mixed with wood chips, straw, and other material for a month. The body compost is then mixed with the dirt, and all indications that the person was ever a temple of God are obliterated. There is typically no containing vessel (e.g., an urn) or a headstone. Even the pre-Christian ancient Egyptians were more reverent that the modern pagans. They embalmed the body for seventy days and then put it in a coffin, often artistically decorated, and entombed it. Even the poor got a scaled-down version of the process. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Seattle Times.]

The Christian custom of burying the dead dates back to the time of Christ. In the New Testament, Our Lord’s body was embalmed with spices like myrrh and entombed, not cremated, let alone “composted.” Even Cicero laments that by his time (circa the first century B.C.), the Romans had rejected the mos maiorum of burying the dead and instead burned their dead to a crisp. For further information on this topic, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network’s Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section “Cremation and Traditional Funeral Instructions.”

True Catholics, cremation is an anti-Catholic form of disposing of the body after death that has its modern origins in the 18th century Protestant “enlightenment,” when it was advocated by atheists and Freemasons as a visual symbol of the denial of the soul’s existence. Cremation is common in pagan religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. As its first act, Newchurch spurned the practice of Our Lord and Catholic moral theology by approving cremation along with the atheists, Freemasons, and pagans.

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