Francis-Bergoglio Issues “CYA” Document on Newchurch’s Sex Crimes Seventeen Years after They First Came to Light – Much Too Little and Much Too Late

From: The TRADITIO Fathers


Francis-Bergoglio Issues “Cover Your Ass” Motu Proprio
That Does Essentially Nothing
To Stop Rampant Paedophilia in Newchurch
Vos Estis Sal Terrae Does Not Provide for Public Notification
Nor Mandatory Reporting of Crimes to Civil Authorities
Nor Independent Investigations and Trials
But Allows a Credibly-accused Presbyter or Newbishop
To Continue Committing Crimes while His Case Is Being “Investigated”

On May 7, 2019, seventeen years after Newchurch’s Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust first came to light, Francis-Bergoglio finally got around to issuing what is known as a CYA (“Cover Your Ass”) document for the file. The Motu Proprio, entitled Vos Estis Lux Mundi, contains a mere nineteen terse articles. The document isn’t even effective yet because it hasn’t been issued in its official Latin form. Apparently, Bergoglio wanted to dash it off in haste and get it off his desk without further thought.

Many of the articles described in the document are meant to protect the criminal Newclergy and criminal Newchurch, not the child victims:

  1. Article 1: The object of the Motu Proprio is “vulnerable persons,” so defined as to exclude condemnation of “consensual” acts of sodomy by Newchurch’s adult clergy and to exclude the “production, exhibition, possession, or distribution” of or “participation” in pornography by Newchurch’s adult clergy.
  2. Article 2: Data are to be kept confidential from the public. This provision has been a seriously denounced by the victims and their parents, that they were never informed when Newchurch posted paedophiles to Newchurch parishes and schools.
  3. Article 3: There is no mandatory provision for reporting paedophile crimes to civil authorities.
  4. Articles 7-9: Newchurch is to investigate its own crimes, without the obligation of relying on an independent, objective judge. Victims have pointed to the absence of an independent judge as a major flaw in Newchurch’s proceedings, leading to cover-ups instead of justice.
  5. Article 12: The accused presbyter or Newbishop, even when “credibly accused,” is to be presumed innocent, so that he may continue to operate his perversions while a Newchurch “investigation” is going on. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

True Catholics, there is no indication that this document portends any real change in Francis-Bergoglio’s and Newchurch’s persistent efforts to cover up sex crimes within its perverted Newclergy, known for its sacrileges, heresies, and immoralities. This document essentially does nothing to banish vigorously the real problem of rampant paedophilia in Newchurch. At that, we have to wonder why even these paltry provisions weren’t already in place under the First Paedophile Newpope JPII-Wojtyla (1978-2005), the Second Paedophile Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger (2005-2013), and the six years of the Third Paedophile Newpope Francis-Bergoglio (2013-). In sum, this document is not worth the paper upon which it is printed. It patent purpose is to cover Bergoglio’s copious derriere.

About John Defensor

Na tapetu su teme koje govore o povrataku pravovjerja i normalanom razvoju crkvene hijerarhije i katoličkog laikata. Posebna pozornost posvećena je najvećoj pošasti: novoj krivovjernoj religiji koja se formirala II. vatikanskim saborom: Novus Ordo Crkva. Katolicizam bez kompromisa nastao je iz pravovjerja Tradicije Duha Božjega u Jednoj, Svetoj, Katoličkoj i Apostolskoj Crkvi. Prazna Sveta Stolica u Vatikanu od preminuća Pape Pija XII.,1958.

Posted on 16/05/2019, in Novus Ordo religija and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Komentiraj.


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